What you gain by being certified

Official Recognition

Promotion & Visibility

Inclusion & Enhancement
Empowering Utilities Through Certified Supplier Selection
Order 156 (GO 156)
It is through this registration and certification process, as well as numerous marketing activities, events and bid announcements, that participating utilities are able to actively select firms from a Certified Suppliers List in order to meet procurement goals established by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)-issued General Order 156 (GO 156):
- 15% goal for minority business enterprises
- 5% goal for women business enterprises
- 1.5% goal for disabled veteran business enterprises
- 1.5% goal for LGBT business enterprises
- No goals have been set for persons with disabilities business enterprises
Program Participation
By participating in this program, your company will be identified as an eligible, certified supplier in a centralized supplier database. Many utility companies use this database to search for suppliers that help meet the required procurement goals listed above. Certification with The Supplier Clearinghouse speeds up the contracting process.
Important note for Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises: The Supplier Clearinghouse automatically recognizes DVBE firms certified by the California Department of General Services (CA DGS) — no additional application is required. This is the only way to participate in The Supplier Clearinghouse’s program as a DVBE.